SIGN UP FOR NEW SERVICE - Annual Recycling Schemes - PAY MONTHLY


We are looking at collating all the people who wish to sign up again for either, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly or adhoc collections. You will be contacted for payment as many customers may already be due discounts. 

When you select the service, we will check our records and let you know if you need to pay any fees, depending on what service you select.

The price includes your coloured bags, full instructions for recycling and your arranged collection/s. Details of dates will be made available on our website and you will be able to check when your collections are due. 

If you opt for a yearly subscription with monthly collections, you can also have the further discounts in our shop and for our refill services.

Prices for the Year are as follows: 

Monthly service: £65.00

Bi-Monthly service: £50.00

Quarterly: £45.00

Ad-Hoc: £25.00 per visit

If you would like to pay by Standing Order, we can offer this as well. Please add to the comments and we will send you a Standing Order Form.